Sunday, January 20, 2008

G.I. Joe Can Kick Ass, But Can He Resurrect?

If you are like me, you are searching for an action figure to trump all other action figures. Well, look no further, Fishermen Inc. has answered with their collection of Jesus action figures. You can get a surfing Savior, cliffhanging Christ, or (probably most apropos) a homeless Hosanna. I am personally fond of the rodeo and biker figurines.
While I in no way endorse purchasing such grossly irreligious paraphernalia (I point you to the ambiguously pacifistic Jesus below), you still should check out the website. Click HERE to go there.
Yes, that is an M-16 slung around his should, and yes, those are fingerless shooting gloves. By the way, Jesus needs some more up-to-date pixelated desert camo. When did he last fight? Desert Storm?

1 comment:

Darian Bonnell said...

Speaking of the Joe's, did you know that they are finally coming out with a live action movie!