Monday, January 14, 2008

I Was So Much Older Then...

Every time I do it, I regret it. No longer am I made of rubber and can easily bounce back into place quite so easily. Yes, it is true...I am getting old. I had a fabulous weekend with my "boys" in Columbus, Ohio. We laughed, we reminisced, we drank, we smoked and we ultimately paid for it. I woke up Sunday morning feeling like

1) I had been dragged behind a train

2) I had been beaten by a group of bikers

3) I was trying to act much younger than I am

Everyone seemed to be getting healthier. Most of us have stopped smoking, started eating right and overall improving out lots in life. However, there remains an unspoken melancholy regarding the loss of some of the ignorance of youth. This is all a good thing...getting smarter, getting healthier, getting "right" with ourselves.

Needless to say I am better now. I am starting to get a little bounce in my step and can actually form a sound from my foggy, abused throat. Of course, the bounce could be from the coffee and thus fleeting in its longevity. Either way, there will always be a place for gluttony, drunkeness and overall childish behavior. However, I have to remember moderation. Many would say this "moderation" would keep me from such extremes; but if you believe in moderation, you need to take "moderation" even in moderation. Therefore, cut loose sometimes, let go and be wild...but remember, piety and self-flagellation are just around the corner.

1 comment:

Darian Bonnell said...

It is always funny to me to think about you in the context of a "crazy partier", but knowing you like I do, it should not. I guess we all get a little "looser" in certain company. I would throughly enjoy the opportunity to cut loose with you and your boys in Columbus town the next time you try to relive your old college days. I too have noticed a sharp decline in the rebounding of my ever-aging body. I guess we always have our minds to fall back on...until all of the debauchery of life clogs up the neurons there as well!!

Here's to life in our 30's...wait, you aren't even 30 yet, right? Man...F everything I just said. You are one big Pu##y. I just think you didn't party enough in your 20's.
