Thursday, January 24, 2008

A little research gem...

I am currently working on a film that will introduce the next novel (James Still's River of Earth) in my college research writing course (it is an online course and multimedia presentations work well to deliver the lesson). In the pile of internet files and images I have been sorting through, I found one little gem. As I am researching images of poverty in Appalachia and the rural south, I have come across many scenic mountain views, dirt-caked coal miners and rickety country shacks. However, no other picture seems to speak to me quite like this clipping from the Roanoke Times (notice what ol' Melissa is holding in her right hand):

1 comment:

Darian Bonnell said...

I love that the "issues" of her child will be blamed on the noise of jackhammers.

I don't know what is more worrisome about this picture, the fact that she is smoking while pregnant or the fact that she is actually bring a child into the world...hahahaha!!