Friday, May 2, 2008

Almost 30...10 Days until Youth is Officially OVER

On May 12th I will be 30. I am not as nervous about this "milestone" as others around me. I have seen those fear, deny and detest their coming thirtieth birthday. I am welcoming it. I just recently got tenure at HFCC, I have started a new Religious Studies program, I am starting another master's degree at U of M and I have a lovely home and family. However, there is one thing is growing in now, but I am going to reign in the big 3-0 with a bitchin' 'stache.

Hopefully, in 10 days I look as cool as this guy...

1 comment:

The Squirrel said...

10 days? 10 Days? Oh man... I was hoping that i would be able to overcome the "trash-stache" hump and appear like a semi-man... Oh well...guess i shall eternally look like 13 year old who lives in a trailer park on Tarkiln Rd. :(