Monday, March 24, 2008

XM-Sirius Merger

After much bulls**t foot-dragging, the American government has finally moved to approve the Sirius-XM radio merger. It has taken 400+ days to decide on this merger and it is well welcomed. Imagine, Bob Dylan and Howard Stern cavorting with Martha Stewart and's on it's way baby. The details aren't 100% clear, but it seems this merger might actually result in a lowering of monthly subscription costs.

Read more HERE.

I am wondering, however, if this had anything to do with Howard Stern's prodding of Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA). Senator Specter was on Stern's program last week and vowed to look into the merger and promised a decision before the end of the month. Just this morning Stern was commenting how the end of the month would soon be upon us. Oh, the wheels of government have finally moved in a logical direction.

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